Reduce the Risk of Overdose with . . .
The World’s First Quantitative Harm Reduction Test Kits
By DanceSafe founder, Emanuel Sferios. Technology by miraculix.
Psilocybin QTest
Know Your Dose! The potency of psilocybin-containing mushrooms can vary tremendously between species, variety and batch. This is true even for cultivated varieties. With our Psilocybin QTest, you can quickly…
Know Your Dose! The potency of LSD blotter or liquid can vary tremendously. With this LSD test kit, you can quickly and easily determine how many micrograms of LSD are…
MDMA QTest (Basic)
Know Your Dose! The percent purity of MDMA can vary tremendously. So can the amount of MDMA in a pressed ecstasy tablet. With our MDMA test kit, you can quickly…
MDMA QTest (Advanced)
Know Your Dose! The percent purity of MDMA can vary tremendously. So can the amount of MDMA in a pressed ecstasy tablet. With our MDMA test kit, you can quickly…
Cannabis QTest
Know Your Dose! With our Cannabis QTest, you can quickly and easily determine the amount of THC and CBD in cannabis (flower or buds). Results are given as a percentage…
Fentanyl Test Strips
Manufactured by the Irwindale, California-based company, WHPM, with the assistance and expertise of Emanuel Sferios, Grassroots Harm Reduction fentanyl test strips are specifically designed…
Milligram Scale
All QTests except the LSD QTest require the use of a milligram scale to measure small amounts of substances. We researched scales and this one is both accurate and affordable….